The Ahafo Regional Coordinating Council (AhRCC) organized a one-day training for staff of the Tano South Municipal Assembly on the newly developed Client Service manual by the Office of the Head of Local Government Service. The Client Service Manual aims to guide the Staff of the Client Service Unit and other staff on how to receive, route and process complaints of the Assembly’s clients.

The AhRCC was represented by the regional Human Resource Manager in the person of Mad. Maud Mensah (Snr HR Manager) and a Chief Development Planning Officer, Mr. Owusu Ansah who was the leader of delegation and the two, facilitated the training.

Mr. Augustine Peprah (Municipal Coordinating Director) in his opening address welcomed the team from the AhRCC and commended the AhRCC and the Office of the Head of Local Government Service for that initiative. He added that the training was necessary since the Client Service Unit was the face of every institution and defines the image of the institution. He ended his address by admonishing participating staff to take keen interest in the training and contribute effectively to ensure its success.

The topics treated during the training were:

  • Defining of a client
  • Client Service Management System
  • Client Service Charter
  • Responsibility of all LGS Staff towards Client Service Management
  • Client Service Management
  • Electronic Complains
  • Compliance Monitoring
  • Procedure for handling visitors
  • Procedure for handling Enquiries
  • Procedure for handling Complaints
  • Procedure for handling feedback

The Hon. Collins Offinam Takyi (Municipal Chief Executive) who later graced the occasion in his closing remarks appreciated the work of the team from the AhRCC for seeing it necessary to train the staff on this important topic. He continued that he believes that the training has been very beneficial to all staff and promised his support to the Client Service Unit to enable them operate effectively and efficiently. The training had in attendance, over 60 staff.