The LI 1967 gives mandate to all assemblies to form councils, being it zonal, area or urban council. It is with this mandate that the Tano South Municipal Assembly has reconstituted its zonal councils who tenure of office has expired.
The zonal council is formed from elected assembly members and unit committee members. It consists not more than 15 members and not less than 10 members and their tenure for office is 2 years. The zonal councils under the Tano South Municipal Assembly consists of seven (7) councils, namely; Bechem Zonal Council, Techimantia Zonal Council, Derma Zonal Council, Dwomo/Mansin Zonal Council, Ankaase/Ada Zonal Council, Subriso Zonal Council and Brosankro Zonal Council.
The reconstitution in each council was done by the Municipal Chief Executive, Hon. Collins Offinam Takyi with the swearing of oaths by the zonal council members, together the Co-ordinating Director, Mr. Augustine Peprah and some heads of Department and Units of the assembly. He, i.e. MCE, in his remarks adviced all council members to step up their game in the mobilization of revenue for the assembly and the zonal council themselves.
Mr. Augustine Peprah also in his remarks, spelt out the mandate of the zonal councils, especially their meeting which is 6 times in a year and any other emergency that may arise. He told them to monitor the activities of their collectors who are bonded to the assembly in the area of revenue generation.